Dozens hurt as NYC Water Taxi slams into west side dock on July 29, 2017. The mishap occurred at Pier 79 off 40th Street along the Hudson River. The owner of the vessel, New York Cruise Lines, verifies that the water taxi made a hard landing. But witnesses, including passengers on board, say the the boat was coming in too fast and could not slow its approach in time to avoid the hard landing. Nearly all of the passengers were violently thrown to the deck. Dozens were injured and were either treated at the scene or were transported to local area hospitals. Thankfully, none of the injuries are reported to be life threatening. This is a reminder that all forms of travel involve some level of danger. The Coast Guard is investigating and will issue a report of its findings at the conclusion of the investigation. It is important to note that New York Cruise Lines/New York Water Taxi requires that written Notice of Intention to file a claim be filed within a short time period, and that any lawsuit be filed within one year of the date of accident. It also requires that all lawsuits be filed in Federal Court in New York State, in admiralty. Interestingly, on the back of the ticket sold by NY Water Taxi, there is an assumption of risk clause. This is probably not enforceable under New York laws, however a lawyer should be consulted immediately if you or a family member was involved. Omrani & Taub, pc has been helping accident victims in the New York City metropolitan area for over 20 years. (212) LAW-SUIT.
Dozens Hurt As NYC Water Taxi Slams Into West Side Dock

11-Year-Old Struck By A Van
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